1. The 4chan Serial Killer
  2. The 4chan Serial Killer Video

4chan has inadvertently continued to attract dark, maladjusted and dangerous characters – misogynists, racists and homophobes at ease behind a computer. It’s a chaotic wilderness that allows contributors to share ideas under a veil of relative anonymity. At a time when more Americans have died from and school shootings are shamefully commonplace, killer Chris Harper-Mercer stormed a US college and murdered students in what looks to be an anti-Christian attack. Now it’s come to light that before the terrible mass-shooting, an anonymous 4chan user – potentially Harper-Mercer – started a thread detailing his plans.

Less than 24 hours after the post, a shooter opened fire at Umpqua Community College. Thirteen people were killed and dozens injured.

The 4chan Serial Killer

David Kalac allegedly wrote in a note that he killed Amber Coplin for 'no reason other than I was drunk and she pissed me off.' Help Catch the 4chan Serial Killer. Who discussed the first posting in his video 9 Deeply Disturbing 4chan Posts, made a video regarding the update can be seen here. 4chan users encouraged the Oregon school shooter to kill. 4chan has inadvertently. Killer Chris Harper-Mercer stormed a US college and murdered students. The 4Chan Serial Killer by GloomyHouse Audio Recording with the FBI: 1) 2) Archive of all.

According to the, a woman reported that ‘“the shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian. If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”’ The 4chan post is no longer visible on the website – but the cached version was posted on Reddit and is currently. Mausam songs youtube. “Some of you guys are alright.

Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest,” the poster warns. There’s currently no confirmation that is definitely the writing of the actual shooter, but it certainly looks suspect.

Disturbingly, underneath the message, users encouraged the person to go ahead with the shooting. One anonymous user said “You might want to target a girls school which is safer because there are no beta males throwing themselves for their rescue”, going on to to give advice on the best weapons to use. Another message said “Make us proud anon” while someone else just bluntly said, “Kill them all for us.”. His actions have been referred to as a “beta uprising”. A beta or beta male is the underdog.

He lacks the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male. He is unpopular and potentially unable to form connections with people.

And a “beta uprising”, such as the shoot shooting in Oregon, is a beta rebelling against the society that hey believe makes their life difficult. One defined it as follows: “Some idiots believe there are betas and alpha males. Since sexual freedom is rising and women today can choose with whom they want to have sex, a small minority of “alpha males” gets all girls while most betas are left in the dust. See this. After the betas have realised this, they’ll rise up and stop the feminist insanity that left them without pussy. Or something like that, nobody knows.” If you google the term, Angry Pepe the Frog comes up, the user’s meme profile picture.

Was the shooter aligning himself with this movement?

Type of site Available in English Owner Created by Website rank 259 (June 2018 ) Commercial Yes Registration None available Launched October 1, 2003; 14 years ago ( 2003-10-01) 4chan is an English-language website. Users generally post anonymously, with the most recent posts appearing above the rest. 4chan is split into various boards with their own specific content and guidelines. Registration is not possible (except for staff). Launched on October 1, 2003, the site was modeled on Japanese imageboards, particularly. 4chan's first boards were originally primarily used for posting pictures and discussing and. The site quickly became popular, expanded, and now features boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from anime/manga to videogames, music, literature, fitness, politics, and sports.

The site has been linked to Internet and activism groups, most notably, the and. 4chan users have been responsible for the formation or popularization of such as,, ',, and many others. The site's 'Random' board, also known as '/b/', was the first board to be created, and is the one that receives the most traffic. The Random board has minimal rules on posted content.

Once jokingly claimed that 'reading /b/ will melt your brain'. The site's anonymous community and culture have often provoked media attention. 4chan users have been instrumental in such as hijacking Internet destinations to, coordinating attacks against other websites and Internet users, and posting threats of violence in order to elicit individual and public reactions. Once summarized the 4chan community as 'lunatic, juvenile. Brilliant, ridiculous and alarming'. 4chan's founder, at in 2012 The activity of 4chan takes place on and. The website is split into six categories:, Interests, Creative, Adult (18+), Other, and Misc (18+).

These provide for on-topic boards to discuss,, technology, sport, photography, music,,, travel,, as well as a board. 4chan originally hosted discussion boards on a separate domain called 'world4ch', but these were later moved to the dis.4chan.org subdomain.

The site has had at least one employee, a whom 4chan's founder met via online. All other are volunteers. As of 2011, the /b/ (Random), /v/ (Video games), /a/ (Anime and Manga), and /s/ (explicit images) boards were respectively the site's first, second, third, and fourth most popular boards. 4chan is one of the Internet's most trafficked imageboards, according to the. 4chan's rank is generally around 700, though it has been as high as number 56 at times. It is provided to its users free of charge and consumes a large amount of; as a result, its financing has often been problematic. Poole acknowledges that donations alone cannot keep the site online, so he has turned to advertising to help make ends meet.

However, the explicit content hosted on 4chan has deterred businesses who do not want to be associated with the site's content. In January 2009, Poole signed a new deal with an advertising company; in February 2009, he was $20,000 in debt, and the site was continuing to lose money. The 4chan servers were moved from Texas to California in August 2008, which upgraded the maximum bandwidth throughput of 4chan from 100Mbit/s to 1Gbit/s. Unlike most web forums, 4chan does not have a registration system, allowing users to post. Any nickname may be used when posting, even one that has been previously adopted, such as 'Anonymous' or 'moot'. In place of registration, 4chan has provided as an optional form of authenticating a poster's identity.

As making a post without filling in the 'Name' field causes posts to be attributed to 'Anonymous', general understanding on 4chan holds that Anonymous is not a single person but a collective () of users. Moderators generally post without a name even when performing actions. A 'capcode' may be used to attribute the post to 'Anonymous ## Mod', although moderators often post without the capcode. In a 2011 interview on, Poole explained that there are approximately 20 volunteer moderators active on 4chan. 4chan also has a junior moderation team, called 'janitors', who may delete posts or images and suggest that the normal moderation team ban a user, but who can not post with a capcode. Revealing oneself as a janitor is grounds for immediate dismissal. 4chan has been the target of occasional.

For instance, on December 28, 2010, 4chan and other websites went down due to such an attack, following which Poole said on his blog, 'We now join the ranks of,,, et al.—an exclusive club!' History 4chan was started in 2003 in the bedroom of Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from whose 4chan handle is 'moot'. Prior to starting 4chan, Poole had been a regular participant on the. He intended 4chan to be an American counterpart to the popular Japanese ('2chan') imageboard and a place to discuss and.

The 4chan Serial Killer Video

The 4chan Serial Killer Video

Upon the creation of 4chan, Poole encouraged users from the subforum titled 'Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse', who also happened to be dissatisfied with the forum, to discuss anime on his website. Poole originally used the Futaba Channel to obtain anime-related images, and liked the concept of a message board where people anonymously shared images, which eventually led to his idea of creating a similar English-based website. During the creation of 4chan, he obtained the for the Futaba Channel website, and translated the Japanese text into English using 's online translator.