How to import external custom POI to Sygic? Notice: Importing POIs onto the maps of the following countries is not currently possible: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom. This notice will be removed when this restriction is resolved in a future Sygic app version.

Prepara archivos de poi RUPI para sygic aura.mp4 007lelito. SYGIC 17.3.2 Real Traffic & View Navigation Maps 2017 Free - Duration: 5:42. STEP 2: Now we're going to convert this into a format Sygic RUPI Converter understands--and as it turns out, you only need two tools which you may already own, being a fellow POIhead Grab a copy of Extra POI Editor (yes, you want Extra POI Editor specifically) if you don't have one already, and we're going to set it up as follows. RupiManager for Sygic™ GPS Navigator is designed to help managing, importing and exporting your favorites POI - PDI locations (Points of Interest).Edit, import, export, convert your navigator favorites POI lists & categories is no more a pain.There are no other apps that made Sygic™ import POI on the fly nor export favorites POI.With Rupi. Patch gma x3100 kext lion.

The terms “Places”, “Points of Interest”, or “POIs”, all refer to the same thing. They are locations on the map marked with an icon, which represent all kinds of places: restaurants, stores, hotels, attractions, parks, gas stations, and many other categories.

An extensive database of Places is included in the map data of our Sygic app. We also made it possible for users to import more groups of Places from free sources on the internet like,, and many other sites. If you don’t find Places you wanted neither in Sygic, or on any website dedicated to them, there is also the option of creating your own list of places. This is a more complicated process, so for this option we prepared a separate article which.

Please note: Importing Places into our app is a task which at the very least requires copying files into your handheld device and creating a new folder in a specific location. Make sure you are comfortable with doing such actions before you proceed.

Adding Places to Sygic GPS Navigation What types of files containing lists of Places can be imported into the Sygic app? Our app will accept a file with the.upi or.rupi file extension. You can download such files from sites like, or others that offer Places specifically for our Sygic navigation app. Together with the.upi/.rupi file, you will need to import a corresponding icon, which has to be a.bmp picture file.

This icon will be used to mark your Places on the map in Sygic. File requirements for import: • The.upi/.rupi file must contain Places for just one country. It is not possible to have Places from multiple countries in one.upi or.rupi file, otherwise the import into our app would fail. • The name of the icon (.bmp file) and of the Places file (.upi/.rupi) must be exactly the same e.g.

“UK-Pharmacy.upi” and “UK-Pharmacy.bmp” • The icon (.bmp file) should be in a square format e.g. If the icon is too big or too small, it will be adjusted automatically. • The icon must be in either 8bit (256 color) or 32bit.bmp format, all other color formats (e.g. 4bit, 16bit, 24bit) will be rejected during the import process and the app will show an error message. How to import Places to Sygic GPS Navigation for Android Copy the.rupi and.bmp files you have into the /Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files/Maps/import folder in your portable Android device.

This destination path will be the same whether you installed Sygic onto the internal memory or the SD card. Note: When it is your first time importing Places, there will not be a folder called “import” yet, and you will need to create it there. Make sure to enter the 'import' folder name in lowercase letters. • • • Once the above is done, launch the Sygic GPS Navigation app. A message will pop-up to inform you that new files for import were detected. Tap on the import option and the app will start displaying the list of places from the.rupi file on the map.

Can I set an audible warning for my custom places Unfortunately, you cannot. This feature may become available in the future though. Known issues Since version 17.1, imported places do not appear among search results, and are not available in the list of Place categories which you can open through the Search screen. They are visible on the map though and can be selected through the map for navigation.

You can also be notified about them while driving along your route with the Places on Route feature (menu → Settings → Navigation → Places on Route). Submit a request If you did not find the answer to your question in our FAQ, user guide or video guides section, please contact us by filling in the details below. Our support staff will contact you back via email within 48 hours. You request has been sent! Our support staff will review it and contact you back within the next 48 hours. Name * Email * Description * Device model name Device name Can be found here: Sygic Menu → Settings → Information → About Operating system version Version of product Submit.

It can also be used as a generic POI manager importing from RUPI,CSV,TXT,KML,GPX then modifying POIs on the online map, filtering them too, and finally exporting them to RUPI,TXT,CSV,KML,GPX files. Rupi Manager lets you import, export, convert Sygic Points of Interest (POIs) and manage them (list / add / remove) in the easy way. Actually there are no others known software that made this 'magic': exporting your POIs stored by Sygic navigator in its RUPI format. Converting (import or export) your Sygic POI is valuable for backup, external editing or importing from/to another navigator program. New features in 2.20 • Favorites Import / Export: Now you can export into default Favorites Sygic database.

You poi will be visible with the default Sygic orange star! Learn more • Lollipop External SD Card writing enabled. Now you can export to navigator installed on External SD Card. To enable this function please go in settings pane and click on the topright 'floppy disk' icon.

This brings up a window where you must select the root of your ExternalSdCard. • Button for delete a category.

Note that latest Sygic releases cannot delete a user category anymore so with Rupimanager you can delete an undesidered or old navigator user category. Usage Examples. • Import a Sygic navigator POI category and export it in txt format into the user export folder. • Import a TXT/CSV file from the user import folder and export it to an user POI category on Sygic navigator program. • Review the POIs you have in a navigator category. You can search by description and review on the Google map. • Straight TXT to RUPI conversion.

• Straight RUPI to TXT conversion. • Import POIs from a KML file (Google Earth POI file format) and put them into Sygic navigator • You can import TXT files suitable for Garmin POI Loader • Import a POI file, find the POI you need with search/sort functions and send that POI directly to Sygic. Note that those files are read using the 'Navigator Directory'. You can modify this directory in the 'Settings' panel. This operation (modifying the Navigator dir.) should not be necessary because Rupi Manager scans your device searching for this special folder.

Rupi converter

Taka To Rupi Converter

In the case the automatic scan routine fails you can set manually the 'Navigator Directory'. This directory must point to the Sygic root folder, not in an inner Sygic folder. EG: /sdcard/Sygic.

Rupi Converter

Note that in the Settings panel you found a menu button that automatically rescans your device for Sygic folder. Use it in the case you change the Sygic root folder EG: between internal/external sd card. If you see the ' Navigator Directory: ' label with an exclamation mark please manually configure the path.

Click on it and select the root of your Sygic installation folder. Eg /sdcard/Sygic Please do not choose an inner folder, use the main Sygic folder. Now the exclamation mark near 'Navigator Directory: ' should be gone. If not please check that your Sygic installation folder has the following subfolders Sygic/Res Sygic/Maps Sygic/Maps/import Sygic/Maps/rupi ( not checked anymore in version 2.09.212 ). If you export a category that already exists on Sygic navigator then Rupi Manager, by default, will call it with ' -exp' suffix so the original category still persists.

You can rename it in Sygic user POI management interface. If you are sure of what you're doing you can enable this option by clicking on it. The enabled condition will be marked in red in this case your exported category can overwrite the navigator category ( it will be exported without ' -exp' suffix like previous RupiManager versions does, so overwriting existing category ).